LevelDB LogFile



LevelDB 是 WAL 的,写入必须先写入 Log 才算成功,将 LevelDB 视为状态机,Log 文件就代表 LevelDB 的状态转移,LogFile 可以认为代表了当前 LevelDB 的状态,而 LSM-Tree 可以认为是 LogFile 状态的存储和索引方式,故障恢复时可以重放 Logfile 从 Snapshot 点重新构建 LSM-Tree 的 Memtable(SSTable 是持久化的,不需要重新构建)。

LogFile 的主要作用是:顺序化写入、故障恢复。


Status Writer::AddRecord(const Slice& slice);
bool Reader::ReadRecord(Slice* record, std::string* scratch); // scratch as temporarily buffer



enum RecordType {
  // Zero is reserved for preallocated files
  kZeroType = 0,

  kFullType = 1,

  // For fragments
  kFirstType = 2,
  kMiddleType = 3,
  kLastType = 4
static const int kMaxRecordType = kLastType;

static const int kBlockSize = 32768;

// Header is checksum (4 bytes), length (2 bytes), type (1 byte).
static const int kHeaderSize = 4 + 2 + 1;

LogFile 由一系列的 32K 大小的 Block 构成,末尾的 Block 可以不足 32K ,一个 Block 由一组 record 加上末尾的 trailer 构成。

block := record* trailer?
record :=
  checksum: uint32     // crc32c of type and data[] ; little-endian
  length: uint16       // little-endian
  type: uint8          // One of FULL, FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST
  data: uint8[length]

  FULL == 1
  FIRST == 2
  MIDDLE == 3
  LAST == 4
  • 当 Block 剩下的字节不足 7 个时(Record 长度至少 7 字节),会填充 0 字节,亦即 trailer。
  • 当 Block 剩下的字节恰好为 7 个并且需要继续写数据时,会添加一个零长度的 FIRST 类型的 Record,需要写的数据会被写出到下一个 Block 。

对于 Record 的类型:

record 包含的用户数据是完整的。
当 record 的用户数据被存放到连续的多个 record 时使用。
uint32 uint16 uint8 uint8[length]
checksum length type data



DB::OpenMakeRoomForWrite 中会创建新 Log 文件,LogFile 和 Memtable 一一对应,LogFile 的创建时机就是创建新 Memtable 的时候:

s = env_->NewWritableFile(LogFileName(dbname_, new_log_number), &lfile);

Status NewWritableFile(const std::string& filename,
                       WritableFile** result) override {
  int fd = ::open(filename.c_str(),
                  O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | kOpenBaseFlags, 0644);
  if (fd < 0) {
    *result = nullptr;
    return PosixError(filename, errno);

  *result = new PosixWritableFile(filename, fd);
  return Status::OK();

删除则是在 Immutable Memtable dump 成功(~DBImpl::CompactMemTable~)之后使用 DBImpl::RemoveObsoleteFiles 进行:

keep = ((number >= versions_->LogNumber()) ||
        (number == versions_->PrevLogNumber()));

  1. 组织 WriteBatch 内的 KVs 为 Slice ,格式为:
// Value types encoded as the last component of internal keys.
// DO NOT CHANGE THESE ENUM VALUES: they are embedded in the on-disk
// data structures.
enum ValueType { kTypeDeletion = 0x0, kTypeValue = 0x1 };

void WriteBatch::Put(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
  WriteBatchInternal::SetCount(this, WriteBatchInternal::Count(this) + 1);
  PutLengthPrefixedSlice(&rep_, key);
  PutLengthPrefixedSlice(&rep_, value);
Type Key Lenght Key Slice Value Length Value Slice
byte varint32 bytes varint32 bytes
  1. WriteBatch 的存放多个 KVs 的 Slice 作为一个 Record 从上次 Block 写入的 Offset 继续写入,并按 Block 边界分段划分 Record 为子 Record。
Status Writer::AddRecord(const Slice& slice) {
  const char* ptr = slice.data();
  size_t left = slice.size();

  // Fragment the record if necessary and emit it.  Note that if slice
  // is empty, we still want to iterate once to emit a single
  // zero-length record
  Status s;
  bool begin = true;
  do {
    const int leftover = kBlockSize - block_offset_;
    assert(leftover >= 0);
    if (leftover < kHeaderSize) {
      // Switch to a new block
      if (leftover > 0) {
        // Fill the trailer (literal below relies on kHeaderSize being 7)
        static_assert(kHeaderSize == 7, "");
        dest_->Append(Slice("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", leftover));
      block_offset_ = 0;

    // Invariant: we never leave < kHeaderSize bytes in a block.
    assert(kBlockSize - block_offset_ - kHeaderSize >= 0);

    const size_t avail = kBlockSize - block_offset_ - kHeaderSize;
    const size_t fragment_length = (left < avail) ? left : avail;

    RecordType type;
    const bool end = (left == fragment_length);
    if (begin && end) {
      type = kFullType;
    } else if (begin) {
      type = kFirstType;
    } else if (end) {
      type = kLastType;
    } else {
      type = kMiddleType;

    s = EmitPhysicalRecord(type, ptr, fragment_length);
    ptr += fragment_length;
    left -= fragment_length;
    begin = false;
  } while (s.ok() && left > 0);
  return s;
  1. 子 Record 写入 LogFile 后进行 Sync 并计算偏移,成功后偏移才会移动。
Status Writer::EmitPhysicalRecord(RecordType t, const char* ptr,
                                  size_t length) {
  assert(length <= 0xffff);  // Must fit in two bytes
  assert(block_offset_ + kHeaderSize + length <= kBlockSize);

  // Format the header
  char buf[kHeaderSize];
  buf[4] = static_cast<char>(length & 0xff);
  buf[5] = static_cast<char>(length >> 8);
  buf[6] = static_cast<char>(t);

  // Compute the crc of the record type and the payload.
  uint32_t crc = crc32c::Extend(type_crc_[t], ptr, length);
  crc = crc32c::Mask(crc);  // Adjust for storage
  EncodeFixed32(buf, crc);

  // Write the header and the payload
  Status s = dest_->Append(Slice(buf, kHeaderSize));
  if (s.ok()) {
    s = dest_->Append(Slice(ptr, length));
    if (s.ok()) {
      s = dest_->Flush();
  block_offset_ += kHeaderSize + length;
  return s;



Sync 即启用 WAL 的模式,此时在每次“写出” LogFile 后需要调用 Sync 方法:

  • 按需更新 Manifest 文件
  • 写出并移动 pos 指针
  • 确保对应文件的内存中的页缓存写出到持久化设备中(Linux 同步写), fcntl 先按下不表,这里微妙的地方是使用 fsyncfsyncdata 的区别,前者会同时更新文件的元数据,而元数据和数据并不放在一起,这会导致磁盘至少多一次随机 I/O 时间,而假如文件大小不变且我们不更新文件的其他元数据(名称、更新时间等) fsyncdata 是完全够用的,不过奇怪的地方是 leveldb 并没有预先创建好 log file 的 size ,所以实际上因为长度的改变还是会刷 metadata 的。
Status Sync() override {
  // Ensure new files referred to by the manifest are in the filesystem.
  // This needs to happen before the manifest file is flushed to disk, to
  // avoid crashing in a state where the manifest refers to files that are not
  // yet on disk.
  Status status = SyncDirIfManifest();
  if (!status.ok()) {
    return status;

  status = FlushBuffer(); // 写出并移动 pos_ 指针
  if (!status.ok()) {
    return status;

  return SyncFd(fd_, filename_);

  // Ensures that all the caches associated with the given file descriptor's
  // data are flushed all the way to durable media, and can withstand power
  // failures.
  // The path argument is only used to populate the description string in the
  // returned Status if an error occurs.
  static Status SyncFd(int fd, const std::string& fd_path) {
    // On macOS and iOS, fsync() doesn't guarantee durability past power
    // failures. fcntl(F_FULLFSYNC) is required for that purpose. Some
    // filesystems don't support fcntl(F_FULLFSYNC), and require a fallback to
    // fsync().
    if (::fcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC) == 0) {
      return Status::OK();

    bool sync_success = ::fdatasync(fd) == 0;
    bool sync_success = ::fsync(fd) == 0;

    if (sync_success) {
      return Status::OK();
    return PosixError(fd_path, errno);



  • 简单易读
  • 容易对 Record 做拆分
  • 对于大 Record 不需要额外的缓冲


  • 没有很好地利用 fdatasync
  • 没有做压缩



958 Words

0001-01-01 07:36 +0736